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The Gate Of God

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RELEASED: October 15th 2019
TOTAL LENGTH: 00:13:18
FORMAT: 320 kbps MP3
CATEGORIES: Inspired Music
GENRE: Acoustic, Inspirational, Singer/Songwriter

“The Gate of God” is an original song about the Life and Martyrdom of the Báb (one of the central figures of the Baha’i Faith), written in 2007 by Scott Rizzo (lyrics) and Ann-Sofie Wensbo (lyrics & music), and released in 2019 for the Bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb.

The song is available in 3 versions, all acoustic:
- An original version.
- A stripped version, for a slightly more meditative purpose.
- An instrumental version, intended for private or public use by individuals and choirs out there who would like to cover the song. (Lyrics and chords available from Ann-Sofie by request).


Lyrics: Scott Rizzo & Ann-Sofie Wensbo
Music: Ann-Sofie Wensbo

Lead Vocal: Ann-Sofie Wensbo
Background Vocals: Maria Andersson, Rasmus Blomqvist, Ann-Sofie Wensbo
Guitar: Ann-Sofie Wensbo
Double Bass: Heiko Bärnholdt
Percussion: Ann-Sofie Wensbo & Jerker Eklund

Arranged and produced by Ann-Sofie Wensbo
Mixed by Jerker Eklund
Mastered by Classe Persson
Photograph & Artwork: Ann-Sofie Wensbo (taken of the rauks in Gotland, Sweden)

Ann-Sofie Wensbo - The Gate Of God

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