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Four Kinds of Love

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RELEASED: October 20th 2021
TOTAL LENGTH: 00:25:45
FORMAT: 320 kbps MP3
CATEGORIES: Inspirational Music
GENRE: Devotional, Spoken Word, Jazz

Malcolm Dedman’s Four Kinds of Love for solo piano is inspired by the talk, “The Four Kinds of Love”, by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. Lovingly referred to as “the Master”, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá spoke these words on Saturday, 4 January 1913, at the home of Lady Sara Louisa Blomfield, 97 Cadogan Gardens, in London. For musical reasons, the composer presents the four kinds of love in an order different from that by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.

With grateful permission of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’í’s of Canada, portions of the original text, as published in Paris Talks, are narrated by Mead Simon around the music interpreted by pianist Nancy Lee Harper. The words for each kind of love referred to by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá set the tone for the individual music movements and, in the case of the last one, conclude the entire work.

This CD is intended for use during Bahá’í Holy Days, Feasts, firesides, commemorations, and other types of meetings when deemed appropriate. It may be used in part or as a whole presentation. The project is dedicated by the pianist with gratitude to the Master for having revealed the Tablets of the Divine Plan, under which she was privileged to pioneer to Argentina (1975-1977) and to Portugal (1992-2013).

Composed by Malcolm Dedman, whose evocative writing and polished craftsmanship are evident throughout, the four compositions are each preceded by the reading of a passage of sacred writings, recorded by narrator Mead Simon. Altogether the album offers some 20 minutes of music, as well as 4 to 5 minutes of narration. It is significant that the musical pieces and the words that inspired them take turns. Rather than the music serving as a background for the narration, they each occupy their own space, allowing the listener to savor and meditate upon words and music separately.

The four compositions are varied in sentiment and pace. Ms. Harper navigates the music's many expressive nuances and technical demands with effortless grace. Her playing casts a meditative spell, suggesting starry skies and calm ocean depths. Her interpretation and performance are, as always, masterful." - Ludwig Tuman

TEXT AND MUSIC “The Four Kinds of Love” By ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
WHAT a power is love! It is the most wonderful, the greatest of all living powers.

Love gives life to the lifeless. Love lights a flame in the heart that is cold. Love brings hope to the hopeless and gladdens the hearts of the sorrowful. In the world of existence there is indeed no greater power than the power of love. When the heart of man is aglow with the flame of love, he is ready to sacrifice all—even his life. In the Gospel it is said God is love.

There are four kinds of love.

The First piece is called: Love of Man for Man – Unity of Spirits

‘Abdu’l-Bahá said: The love which exists between the hearts of believers is prompted by the ideal of the unity of spirits. This love is attained through the knowledge of God, so that men see the Divine Love reflected in the heart. Each sees in the other the Beauty of God reflected in the soul, and finding this point of similarity, they are attracted to one another in love. This love will make all men the waves of one sea, this love will make them all the stars of one heaven and the fruits of one tree. This love will bring the realization of true accord, the foundation of real unity. Music

The Second piece is called: Love of Man for God – Divine Faith ‘Abdu’l-Bahá said: This is faith, attraction to the Divine, enkindlement, progress, entrance into the Kingdom of God, receiving the Bounties of God, illumination with the lights of the Kingdom. This love is the origin of all philanthropy; this love causes the hearts of men to reflect the rays of the Sun of Reality.

The Third piece is called: Love of God for Man – Inexhaustible Graces ‘Abdu’l-Bahá said: The love that flows from God to man... consists of the inexhaustible graces, the Divine effulgence and heavenly illumination. Through this love the world of being receives life. Through this love man is endowed with physical existence, until, through the breath of the Holy Spirit—this same love—he receives eternal life and becomes the image of the Living God. This love is the origin of all the love in the world of creation.

The Fourth piece is called: Love of God towards the Self – God is Love ‘Abdu’l-Bahá said that this is: ... the love of God towards the Self or Identity of God. This is the transfiguration of His Beauty, the reflection of Himself in the mirror of His Creation. This is the reality of love, the Ancient Love, the Eternal Love. Through one ray of this Love all other love exists.

(After the music finishes) These four kinds of love originate from God. These are rays from the Sun of Reality; these are the Breathings of the Holy Spirit; these are the Signs of the Reality.

The album cover artwork is by Jalaliyyih Quinn from her "Sacrifice Series". Jalaliyyih Quinn MFA University of Colorado, Boulder, has held solo exhibitions and taught in the U.S, China, and Liberia. In recent years her paintings work with the relationship between science and the Bahá’í writings and invite contemplation. While in China, Quinn received several awards. After nineteen years abroad, Quinn returned to the U.S. and lived in Colorado and now in New Mexico. Jalaliyyih Quinn’s paintings may be seen at
Cover Design by Jon Rezin

Nancy Lee Harper - Four Kinds of Love

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