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TOTAL LENGTH: 00:49:55
FORMAT: 320 kbps MP3
CATEGORIES: Inspired Music
GENRE: World / International, Spanish, Spiritual

Colombia is blessed with the greatest musical diversity of any country in the Western Hemisphere. Whites, Blacks, Native American Indians, Arabs, Jews, and all the shades in between, have mingled their blood, their rhythms and melodies in the making of Colombia, which is really five countries in one.

Leonor Dely, the Voice from Colombia, is by blood and heart a true heiress to all of this. "To sing of Colombia is to sing of my memories; it is a tribute to my ancestors from the vantage point of this Caribbean town, Cartagena, which adopted us more than 30 years ago. Time-honored classic tunes of Colombian popular music are presented here in a manner that is both simple and magic, unique and particular."

After two albums produced and released by multiple Grammy Award-winning producer KC Porter (Ámame, 2001, and Talisman, 2004), Leonor and her husband Istvan Dely, a Hungarian percussionist living in Colombia, decided to pay a most intimate, personal and passionate tribute to their love for Colombia and its people. Music from heart to heart.

From cumbia to vallenato, pasillo to vals, joropo to porro, currulao to makuta, this is a "musical safari" to Colombia.

Colombia es bendecida con la mayor diversidad musical del continente americano. Blancos, negros, indígenas, mulatos, mestizos, zambos, turcos y judíos mezclaron su sangre, sus ritmos y melodías para crear este país que es realmente cinco países en uno.

Leonor Dely, la Voz de Colombia, es heredera auténtica, por sangre y corazón, de todo esto. "Cantarle a Colombia es cantarle a los recuerdos, es un homenaje a mis ancestros desde esta tierra Caribe (Cartagena) que nos adoptó hace ya más de 30 años. Canciones clásicas del repertorio popular, puestas de una manera sencilla y mágica con un sonido único y particular."

Después de dos álbumes producidos y publicados por el productor norteamericano KC Porter, ganador de tres premios Grammy (Ámame, 2001, y Talisman, 2004) Leonor y su esposo Istvan Dely, percusionista húngaro residente en Colombia, han decidido rendir un homenaje muy íntimo, personal y apasionado, de su amor a Colombia y sus gentes. De corazón a corazón.
De la cumbia al vallenato, del pasillo al vals, del joropo al porro, del currulao a la makuta, nos vamos de "safari musical" por toda Colombia. Credits

Released August 16, 2010
Leonor Dely: vocals, acoustic guitar
Istvan Dely: percussion, background vocals
José Cabeza: guitar, requinto

Producers: Leonor & Istvan Dely
Executive Producer: KC Porter
Recording and Mixing Engineer: Marci Takács at Lalcoba Studio, Cartagena, Colombia, 2007
Mastering Engineer: Luis Fernando Quijivix Cotom, Centro de Música Digital, Guatemala
Album Artist: Máté Jakab
Photographer: éva Vass, Istvan Dely

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Leonor Dely & Millero Congo - Makerule

Starting at: $1.29

Add to Cart:
01. Mojana
  • 1- 01. Mojana
  • 2- 02. Pescador Lucero Y Rio
  • 3- 03. Makerule
  • 4- 04. La Arana Pelua - El Caiman
  • 5- 05. Pueblito Viejo
  • 6- 06. La Mukura - Kalamari
  • 7- 07. Popurri del Pacífico
  • 8- 08. El Alegre Pescador
  • 9- 09. Guayabo Negro
  • 10- 10. El Testamento
  • 11- 11. Popurri Caribe
  • 12- 12. El Camino de la Vida
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