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Baha'i World Center
RELEASED: October 20th 2019
LABEL: Baha'i World Center DVDS: 1 TOTAL LENGTH: 00:48:07 FORMAT: DVD CATEGORIES: Video GENRE: Documentary, Baha'i History New! From the Baha'i World Center DVDS MANUFACTURED & SUPPLIED COURTESY OF BAHA'I DISTRIBUTION SERVICES USA Two hundred years ago, the Báb appeared, inaugurating a new Dispensation and preparing humanity for the light of Bahá’u’lláh’s Revelation. Dawn of the Light portrays several individuals from different continents as they relate their own personal search after truth and meaning. They share their discovery that God has sent two Divine Manifestations—the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh—Whose teachings are revolutionizing human thought and behaviour, changing darkness into light. The film shows glimpses of how this same discovery is inspiring the efforts of many across the globe to serve humanity and to contribute to building a new pattern of life. © Bahá’í World Centre, 2019. Subject to the following restrictions this film may be freely reproduced in whole or in part without the need to obtain special permission: The Bahá’í World Centre retains full copyright protection for this film; You acquire no rights to or license over the content other than the limited right to use the film in accordance with these terms; You may reproduce, copy, distribute, publish, or display the film in whole or in part for any non-commercial use [for Bahá’í communities only],but you cannot modify, edit, create derivative works from it or use it in any manner inconsistent with its original intent; This copyright notice must always be attached to any reproduction of this work. Baha'i World Center - Dawn of the Light |