Tag Archives: perspiration

Write Time: A 3 Part Series on Songwriting

As the Faith gains recognition and our efforts to reach out to the greater community and engage in dialogue increase, it only seems fitting that the songs we create, whether simply setting the Bahá’í writings to music or crafting original compositions, be of the utmost quality, in a language addressed to the heart. We have to create music which transcends the tastes of our own community and opens up the possibilities of engaging the hearts of the masses. We felt compelled to share these posts on songwriting, that they might prove a source of assistance and inspiration to the aspiring and veteran songwriters within our community. Please read on and leave your comments below. Thanks…

[quote] “It is incumbent upon the children to exert themselves to the utmost in acquiring the art of reading and writing…. Writing skills that will provide for urgent needs will be enough for some; and then it is better and more fitting that they should spend their time in studying those branches of knowledge which are of use. As for what the Supreme Pen hath previously set down, the reason is that in every art and skill, God loveth the highest perfection.” – Bahá’u’lláh (from a Tablet-translated from the Persian) [/quote]

Becoming a good songwriter is hard work… becoming a great songwriter can be excruciating. Perhaps that is one reason that so many aspiring songwriters fall short of excellence. But what if there were a way to break open the doors, shake off inhibitions, and develop your craft in a fraction of the time that it typically takes? And what if you could build your fan base at the same time? It sounds too good to be true… but perhaps it isn’t.

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