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Como el Fuego / As the Fire

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RELEASED: November 2, 2019
TOTAL LENGTH: 00:04:38
FORMAT: 320 kbps MP3
CATEGORIES: Devotional Music
GENRE: Devotional, Inspirational, World/International

This piece sets to music part of an address the Báb made to his first disciples, as they prepared to sacrificially disperse to share His message with the world.



“¡Oh Mis queridos amigos! Sois los portadores del nombre de Dios en este Día. Habéis sido elegidos como los depositarios de Su misterio.Os incumbe a cada uno de vosotros manifestar los atributos de Dios y ejemplificar por vuestras acciones y palabras, los signos de Su rectitud, Su poder y gloria. Los mismos miembros de vuestro cuerpo deben dar testimonio de lo exaltado de vuestro propósito, la integridad de vuestra vida, la realidad de vuestra fe y el elevado carácter de vuestra devoción… …Sois como el fuego que en la oscuridad de la noche ha sido encendido en la cima de la montaña. Dejad que vuestra luz brille ante los ojos de los hombres.”

“O My beloved friends! You are the bearers of the name of God in this Day. You have been chosen as the repositories of His mystery. It behoves each one of you to manifest the attributes of God, and to exemplify by your deeds and words the signs of His righteousness, His power and glory. The very members of your body must bear witness to the loftiness of your purpose, the integrity of your life, the reality of your faith, and the exalted character of your devotion… … Ye are even as the fire which in the darkness of the night has been kindled upon the mountain-top. Let your light shine before the eyes of men.”

~Address of the Báb to his first followers – quoted from the Dawn Breakers.


Music composed and produced by Ali Youssefi
Mixed by Michael Gannon
Mastered by Jarome Matthew at ProSoul Studios
Video produced by Shadi and Ali Youssefi
Text from the Bahá’í writings

Musicians (in order of appearance):

Backing vocals – Shadi & Ali Youssefi
Vocal & Guitar – Ali Youssefi
Flamenco Guitar - Armin Kooshkebaghi (
Percussion – Shango Dely (
Cello - Gwendolyn Blaga Philbrow
Bass - Heiko Bärnholdt
Violin - Vibeke Søe Horsberg

Cover photo by Joshua Newton
Cover Art by Shadi Youssefi

Ali Youssefi - Como el Fuego / As the Fire

Starting at: $1.29

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