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Nura Creitz

Nura Creitz
Nura Creitz comes from an eclectic musical background, propelling her songwriting and arrangement styles to be soulful, quirky and heartfelt.

Growing up in Luxembourg, raised by a Persian mother and an American father, Nura was exposed to music from three different cultures.

She began her musical pursuit at an early age, initially trained at the Conservatory of Luxembourg and continued her studies at Berklee College of Music to explore jazz and contemporary music. Currently living in Los Angeles, she connects with the local music community and audiences through her non-profit work and performances.

Touching on folk, pop and jazz Nura is honest in her journey to find her way through life with her music and hopes it to be relate to others and provide some humor and sense of comfort.

Albums by Nura Creitz

Nura Creitz

Nura Creitz

Nura Creitz